Whats Schools are saying about The School Photographers

"They honestly have been so professional; their photos are beautiful and of the highest standard. Working with Chantal and Dom has been a wonderful experience one I am sure every school would love; they really do make life easier for you."
Mrs Angie Miller
Principal - Waterstone Castle
"Six years ago, I had the pleasure of doing business with The School Photographers who has changed everything I have ever known before regarding school photography. They exude nothing but calmness and professionalism from the moment they arrive, which has a very positive effect on me, the learners and the smooth running events of the day. Their delivery of the photographs is prompt, affordable, professional and of outstanding quality and delivered with a smile. In this day and age where good service providers are few and far between – it is a comfort to know that I have a splendid photography team and would highly recommend them for any prospective photography work."
Mrs Michele Edwards
Operations Manager - Henley High and Prep School
"It was such a pleasure to have you at our school. The young ladies at pre-primary could not stop speaking about how well everything went and about the awesome photographers. Everything was perfect. Your photos are amazing. Thank you for the stunning job you did."
Mrs Hanelene Muller
Deputy Head Principal - Eastleigh Primary School
Lumiere Primêre Skool - Ons wil net julle bedank vir uitstekende diens. Dit is regtig vir ons net 'n plesier om saam met u te werk. *Die bestellings is regtig maklik om mee te werk en die feit dat julle uit julle pad gaan om ons te akkommodeer met ons behoeftes en wat vir ons die maklikste werk. *Die kwaliteit van u produk is altyd fantasties en van top gehalte. Ons is regtig altyd baie opgewonde oor wat die volgende idee gaan wees. Altyd anders en kreatief. *U werk so mooi met die kinders en alles gebeur sommer vinnig en flink. U werk met soveel respek teenoor die kinders. *Die feit dat ons nooit lank wag vir ons bestellings nie. Julle het nog nooit nie op die datum afgelewer nie. U is so betroubaar. Dit is regtig so lekker om saam met julle te werk. Ons waardeer julle so baie en hoop regtig dat ons nog jare lekker sal kan saam werk. Lumie Groete.
Mrs Melanie Boucher
Lumiere Primêre Skool
"The School Photographers make the taking of individual school photos a pleasure for all concerned. The quality of the photos is excellent and their turnaround time is amazing. I recommend them to any school needing professional photography done."
Mrs Wendy Brune
Photo Day Co-ordinator - General Smuts High
Dear Chantal and Dominique, I want to thank you both for your professionalism and really friendly demeanor.
Mr Wayne Naidoo
TrinityHouse Glenvista Principal - High School
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